Connectors serve as links between two objects (beams) and to freely place a single cnc processing object like a milling or mortise/tenon.
Despite that it is possible to place the connector freely rotated in 3d by using a (temporary) working plane. Beam provides several methods (buttons) to place a connector on its sides and ends.
Contour type takes the path geometry of the connector path object to define the milling. Please note, that beside the normal corner vertex only arc vertex are supported for an export to Elements CAM. Unlike with the other connector types, there's no limit on the number of contour points.
Mortise / Tenon are used widely to connect two beams. In general, a tenon's length is a bit shorter than the depth of the mortise. Also, a radius may be specified for a mortise with rounded corners.
The tenon is placed around a virtual middle line of the connectors' path contour, and it's dimensions are set through parameters. Please note, that it has to be defined by a contour with four cornerpoints.
This processing object is machined by drilling or milling the workpiece. It has a diameter, depth and also a direction is possible.
Please note, that a drillings' middle point has to be defined by a line with two or a contour with four cornerpoints.
An arc is defined by a three points contour, where all points lie on the arc. The first and last point define the outer points of the arc segment, and the second (middle) point defines the radius of the arc.